
18. April, 18 Uhr: Nasse Untergründe
Lesung aus der Untergrundel von Genoss*innen der Bewegung
Lesung aus dem „Treib.Gut Magazin“ des Vereins Schwemmland
24. April, 18 Uhr: Wwww
Diskussion zu Kunst und Klima mit Studierenden der Kunstuniversität Linz

Toxische Allianzen (LLC)
Field Recordings Lecture Performance & Swamp Snack im Volkskundemuseum Wien, im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Lobau Lauschen”, 2.3.-5.5. 2024

Posthuman Social Club
Field Recordings Lecture Performance & Swamp Snack

14. September 2023, 19h
die Angewandte, Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Rustenschacherallee 2-41020 WienProduction: Andother Stage
TOXIC TEMPLE at Donaufestival, Krems

„Sie konnten nicht einmal Melanzani lesen“
WorkshopMehr-als-menschliches Zuhören-Üben mit Ursula K. Le Guin diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie, Berlin

Listen to the outcome here: Sie konnten nicht einmal Melanzani lesen! Superscience Me – Wissenschaft, Fiktion & Spekulation #11
Dino / Henne / Ei
LECTURE PERFORMANCE with Christina Gruber
DINO HENNE EI - short film by Amina Lehner

We contemplate “the wild.” At best on repeat, looking back towards the geological age named after the human species. – An era in which the “the wild” is found because “the wild” has been lost. We are undertaking an “archeology of the future,” revealing uncanny contemporaries: Archosauria (birds) and Acipenseridae (sturgeons) that share this layer of earth with dinosaurs of a very different nature. We remove layers and unearth fabulous fossils. The colonial, racist, and misogynistic residues that stick to the “the wild” idea do not come clean. But the fascination surrounding this idea and why it also appears in current eco-feminisms is, to some extent, exposed.
- May 18, 2022, DHE - the movie, screening at Dokapi, Kunstuni Linz
- August 29, 2023, DHE revisited - lecture performance with movie, Kunsthaus Wien

“staying with the muddle”
workshop at the experience-based knowledge lab "Moving across Thresholds" initiated by Renae Shadler:
talk/video work: Schweine im Weltall / Schleime im Weltall
book presentation & speculative fabulation of MATTHIAS WOLLGAST’s MAKING OF: THE STEPS WITH NO NAME at Crossing Europe Film Festival, Linz
Last Time / This Time / Next Time
event for Wiener Festwochen 2020
Klärschlamm - exhibition at Kunsthalle Exnergasse (2020), curated together with Eva Seiler + symposium with Fahim Amir & Christina Gruber + audio reportage on waste water treatment (in german)

Toxic Temple - exhibition at AIL by Kilian Jörg & Anna Lerchbaumer (2020), Talk & radio broadcast (in german)