#eye #eye


Go to official project website: https://lobaulistening.at/


Hörerlebnisse einer umkämpften Stadtwildnis

im Volkskundemuseum Wien, Eröffnung: 1.3. | 19 Uhr
Kuratiert von Sophia Rut, Magdalena Puchberger, Christina Gruber, Julia Grillmayr

"Lobau Listening Comprehensions" is a site-specific investigation of the Lobau (from the Vienna Danube floodplains to Hainburg) that includes personal experiences, ecological conditions, current political negotiations as well as historical events. We work with sound from different perspectives and through different practices: collective listening, oral histories, acoustic ecology, science communication.
In doing so, our respective disciplines (cultural studies/journalism, social ecology/environmental history, freshwater ecology/artistic research) intertwine to create a multi-layered portrait of the Lobau. To this end, we develop the cyborg GERTI, a modular and mutable entity with which we collaborate to record and play back sounds. GERTI collects impressions and voices - human and more-than-human. As a means, a method, a mentor and a mixing machine.

Lobau Listening Comprehensions wird durch eine INTRA-Förderung der Universität für Angewandte Kunst unterstützt. Projektbeschreibung auf Deutsch.

We are part of “Sonic Territories” Festival’s Summer edition 2023.

Swamp Mix©️™️ Tour! 🦕 14.07., 16h, Explore Lobau with us!

We invite you to walk with us in the Obere Lobau and spend some time in the Danube swamps exploring and sharing science facts & fictions, sounds and stories. Together, we'll learn about the ecological and historical specificities of this place and create an audio piece, giving voice to our impressions and the more-than-human people we meet.
Included in the exclusive LLC Swamp Mix©️™️ package:
• Guided Tour on an easy walk (2-3 hours with a lot of breaks)
• Fermented Forest Floor Snack
• Listening scores with and without technology
• take home audio memory  


Wir freuen uns, Euch zum ersten Happening der „Lobau Listening Comprehensions“ einzuladen, bei der wir Gerti erkunden, basteln, füttern und zum Leben erwecken. Kommt zahlreich und seid dabei, wie die Cyborg erwacht.

12. Mai 2023
Kleine Stadtfarm, im Salettl, Naufahrtweg 14,1220 Wien

10:30 Welcome
11:00 Imagining Gerti: A cyborg set-up
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 Wetland Love. Human and non-human matters of Lobau
14:30 Lobau Gatherings: collecting materials, audio and stories
15:30 Lobau Offerings: a collective exhibition