(go down for complete list of classes)

Listen here.
In the seminar “Interview with the Vampires” we explore the cultural history of the vampiric, e.g. the differences between the folkloric and the literary vampires and the adaptations and many versions of Stoker’s Dracula and Rices’ Vampire Chronicles. And we make interviews with Vampires and Vampire experts and produce a radio show with our findings.

Special Life Radio Brodcast on vampires
in the longest night of the year on Radio Orange 94.0
in cooperation with the students of the seminar “Interview with the Vampires” at Kunstuni Linz
deep underground in the Donau Düker Linz, in the framework of the seminar “Muddy neighbours and watery archives”

Also, we visited Christoph Wiesmayr at his “Klimaoase” which really is an oasis in the midst of the industrial area in Linz

Check out the works of the “muddy neighbours” group at Rundgang 2024
The students of my seminar “Solarpunk and other Science Fiction Futures” (wintersemester 23/24) have created a beautiful riso printed Zine containing their manyfold ideas and imaginaries about solarpunk. More details here. (also we built a solar oven with the great Irene Lucas!)

“Some animals of Donna Haraway” (online lecture 2020 at Angewandte, Skulptur & Raum, Klasse Schabus)

Seminars at the University of Art and Design Linz (Kunstuni Linz)
“Interview with the Vampires - cultural history of the vampiric and audio production” (24/25)
“Lesen und Schreiben II - kulturwissenschaftliche Buch- und Leseforschung” - einführendes Proseminar für den Bachelor Kulturwissenschaften (24/25)
“Einführung in die Methoden der Kulturwissenschaften” (24/25)
“Muddy Neighbours and watery archives - artistic and historical research on the danube in Linz” (24)
“Climate Art & Activism - Digesting the Klima Biennale Wien (in form of a discourse analysis)” (24)
“Zeichen, Text, Diskurs - Lesen und Schreiben in den Kulturwissenschaften” (24)
“The Anthropocene Curriculum” - einführendes Proseminar für den Bachelor Kulturwissenschaften (23/24)
“Einführung in die Methoden der Kulturwissenschaften” (23/24)
“Solarpunk and other Science Fiction Futures” (23/24)
“Extinction - Kulturwissenschaft, Kunst und Philosophie rund ums Aussterben” (2023)
“Underwater Love - Aquatic Futures and Fantasies) (22/23)
Lektüreseminar “Schwarzer Feminismus. Grundlagentexte” (22/23)
Technologien der Zukunft (2021 & 2022)
“Tentakuläres Denken” (21/22)
“Spekulatives Alles” (2021)
Seminars at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Angewandte)
“Science Fiction, Fact & Forecast - the entwined history and theory of futurology and speculative fiction” (24/25, MA Cross-Disciplinary Strategies)
“Listening and Collecting - strategies of acoustic field recording and travel logging” (23/24, MA Cross-Disciplinary Strategies)
“In the Zone.Experiments in collective, site-specific and situated worldbuilding” (22, Site-specific Art)
“Rehearsing Non-Human Perspectives” (20/21, Site-specific Art)
„Transhuman, Posthuman, Compost“ (19/20, Site-specific Art )
Seminars in Literary Theory at the University of Vienna
„Medientheorie und/als Literaturtheorie“ (2018/19
„Schrägstriche –Vergleich, Dualismus, Dialektik“ (2017/18
„Karte und Gebiet –Literaturtheorie zum Raum“ (2016/17)
Philosophinnen und Philosophen lesen Literatur (2016)
„Politischer Anspruch in der Literaturtheorie der Gegenwart“ (2015/16)
„Literaturwissenschaft und der Spatial Turn“ (2014/15)